Nutrition For Health and Fitness

Newly married and planning weekly meals that will take into consideration your husband's health condition? If he's overweight and prone to high blood pressure, you can concentrate on diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Nutrition for health and fitness for you and your hubby should be easy to plan, with much help from health journals and online resources, and sound advice from well-meaning friends and relatives.
Unless you have a master's degree in nutrition, you need all the help you can get by reading as much as you can and also visiting all-natural products stores for quality nutritional supplements. Clinical studies show that regular intake of fish oil supplements can substantially lower blood pressure in individuals with untreated hypertension.
While you're shopping for premium quality supplements for you and your hubby, you may as well add fiber and chromium. Fiber supplements like psyllium and chitin can aid your husband's weight loss efforts as they can let a person feel full and encourage elimination of fat from the body. There are also supplements that combine fat-fighting ingredients formulated to help weight-challenged individuals lose weight the natural way. Proper medical consultation is still essential, though.
Indeed, supplements or actual food sources of omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to longevity. An interesting fact about fish is that nutritional science experts say that for each gram of omega-3 fatty acid-laden fish you eat, you will require around six grams of plant-derived foods (like flaxseed and walnuts) to provide your body the equivalent amount of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). In other words, to reap the health benefits of plant-derived foods, your liver must first convert the alpha-linolenic acid into EPA and DHA.
Before anything else though, you and your husband should confront unhealthy eating habits like crash diets & binge drinking. Study shows that binge alcohol drinking may pose harmful effects on blood pressure levels. If you must drink during social occasions, opt for red wine, as it has resveratrol, which has been linked to better health.
In addition, as you and your husband become more fit and healthy, you should start a doctor recommended fitness plan to further improve your blood pressure and level of weight loss. Working out on a regular basis involves taking supplements that help your muscles recover faster and work harder, so that you get a bigger benefit from the workouts.
As for helping your husband shed extra pounds, try spicing up your daily meals with cayenne, ginger, and cinnamon to boost his metabolic rate. Consume green tea, also, which contains antioxidant catechins that can bolster nutrition for health and fitness. Let your hubby enjoy a cup after every meal as part of planning nutrition for health and fitness.
If you would like information on this subject, take a look at sports nutrition supplements and liquid vitamins and minerals.

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