Fitness Nutrition Tips

Fitness Nutrition Tips
Anyone that has tried to lose weight knows there's more to dropping pounds than merely getting regular exercise. You can actually use nutrition to influence your weight loss by consuming certain foods before, during, and after exercise to improve your chances of shedding excess weight. Following these fitness nutrition tips can make all the difference in the world to your fitness goals.
It is possible to begin losing weight without changing your eating habits by adding physical exercise; however exercising will increase weight loss. Increased physical activity has many benefits: increased blood flow to all parts of the body, increased oxygen supply and waste products are removed through perspiration. You also change your body's flexibility, strength, endurance, and cardiovascular health.
Exercise also helps to raise your HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, which is desirable. It helps regulate blood sugar levels and convert stored fat into sugars that can be used to provide energy for the body. There's no doubt about it, getting regular exercise is important in trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.
Diet, on the other hand, can't accomplish the above results on its own. Eating the wrong foods can adversely affect your weight loss efforts. While you may be trying your hardest to exercise properly, poor eating habits can sabotage everything you're working toward.
o Eating every two to three hours can actually help in your weight loss efforts. Eating more often keeps blood sugar levels even. You don't have to worry about middle of the afternoon slump because you're providing your body with the energy it needs to function properly.
o Plan on eating breakfast whether you think you're hungry or not. Eating breakfast gets your metabolism in gear for the day. Include a serving of protein (4 oz) in that first meal.
o Eat a good carbohydrate at each meal. These include green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, or green beans), cauliflower, apples, oats, yogurt, and skim milk. Whole grain breads would also make a good carbohydrate choice.
o Limit fats to one each day and be sure that fat will remain liquid at room temperature. This type of fat is necessary for your body to function properly. Extra virgin olive oil, canola oil and flaxseed oil are good choices.
o Drink plenty of water. This could be up to a gallon each day, especially if you're exercising strenuously. Replacing water lost during exercise will help your kidneys function and flush fats and toxins out of your system.
o Allow yourself a "free day." This doesn't mean that you should pig out on everything you've been missing during the week, but eating a treat one day a week can help shock your metabolism and kick it into high gear when you return to your regular diet.
o Sugary fruits such as bananas are best eaten first thing in the morning or up to three hours after your workout.
o Immediately following your work out, eat at least 20 grams of simple sugar and whey. Some experts believe chocolate milk may be a better choice over an electrolyte replacement. A half-hour to an hour later, eat a starchy carbohydrate such as potatoes or rice to steady your blood sugar.
o Use spices to add flavor to your meals and also to provide necessary antioxidants for heart health. Cayenne, cumin, cardamom and turmeric are great for increasing your metabolic rate.
Making healthy choices in regard to food is important in fitness nutrition. To receive the full benefit you want to exercise regularly, as well. You don't have to spend hour upon hour at the gym or compete in a marathon. By eating the proper foods at the proper times, along with 20 to 30 minutes of exercise a minimum of three times a week, your body will begin to shed excess weight.
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