The Importance of Health and How to Be Healthy

The definition to be "healthy" means:
"Possessing or enjoying good health or a sound and vigorous mentality: a healthy body; a healthy mind."
This definition sums everything up. If we do not possess or enjoy good health and a vigorous mentality, we are losing out on the essence of life. Health is our most important investment, our biggest asset, it's life or death. It's ironic how many people take their health, their life for granted. They say they want to enjoy life to it's fullest, but yet they are destroying their own life themselves by their own lifestyles - drinking alcohol, eating unhealthy foods, being over-wight and taking prescription medicine, or drugs. People will say that they are "happy" the way they are living their lives (while drinking, being over-weight, taking drugs, and eating unhealthy), but how can they? A person that is not healthy, is NOT happy. You can have all the wealth and possessions to make you happy, but if you are unhealthy, they just won't enjoy them!! You won't have the energy, mental capacity, or appreciation for life to allow you to fully enjoy your lifestyle. By mentioning "mental capacity", I mean your mind won't be 100% free in your mind. Every person with health issues worries to a certain degree in the back of their mind, no matter how small or large the health issue may be. Even alcoholics knows in the back of their minds that they probably shouldn't be drinking as much as they do. Now if they do something about the situation and act upon it is the important factor.
Every person in the world will come across some kind of body issue. Not necessarily a life-threatening issue, maybe acne, or allergies. But everything's how do we deal with even those issues. No body is perfect, no matter how perfect some people may think they are. You may flip through "Cosmo" or "Glamour" and see these really thin models and wish to look like them. Do you know if they are healthy? No, all we see is the outside. You might look at "Sports Illustrated" and see models there and wish to have a "sexy" body like theirs, but do you know if they are healthy? No. It doesn't matter how good you look on the, curvey, thin, whatever your idea of looking "good" is, it is absolutely meaningless unless you are healthy on the inside!
Every unhealthy lifestyle choice that we make has an effect, whether now or in the future. In fact, most of the results of our daily unhealthy choices will indeed surface in the future, even after we have made healthy changes. They are the consequences of our actions that we sometimes have to pay for. It all starts with a decision, and then actually doing what you set out to do. Of course it will be difficult and you will face temptations to go back to your unhealthy ways, and may even fail sometimes. But that is all part of success, you can't succeed unless you have failed before and know how to get back on track again. That is the beauty of success, learning from our mistakes. That is what being healthy is all about, learning about what we need to change to allow ourselves enjoy life to it's fullest.
Definition provided by
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