Trim to Impress: How to Manscape

As far as haircuts go, keep it classic. Don't let anything on your face detract from what comes out of your mouth. Your hair should always look light and not weighed down. Use gel; but don't make it look like you use it. Caking it on is OK as long as you break it apart with your finger afterward. Use products without alcohol as an ingredient to avoid flakes. Also, go to a barber instead of a stylist. They are more economical and many are just as good as stylists. Can't get to the barber? That's OK. Just make sure to keep your neck clean and free of hair. You can do this at home. Make sure to use aftershave back there, though. The razor burn can be brutal. If your hairline isn't perfect, you can often fake it with a little extra hair on top, just don't ever do a full-blown comb-over. Shave it if it gets to that point. A razor-close shave will never go out of style, and you'll wear it much better than you would a comb-over.
As far as facial hair, close-cut beards are in. Go to a barber so that they can line up the edges for you and you'll be able to maintain it on your own after that. This is why you'll want to purchase some battery-operated clippers with a few guard options. Use the shortest guard option on your beard and no guard on other areas of your body. Invest in a nose hair trimmer, as well. Plucking it can bring even the biggest badass to tears. Both of those items should be small enough to fit in any travel case for easy maintenance. Have hair on your ears? Shave it off. Be careful using tweezers near that area. Being able to hear is more important than having smooth earlobes.
Attention to detail isn't meant to make one more self-conscious. It is meant to enable you to express yourself effectively. If you don't give someone a mess of nose hairs to look at when they're talking to you, they are more likely to be paying attention to what's coming out of your mouth. The same is true in reverse, however. Work it how you will. Becoming self-aware is a struggle, but the end product is a better you and the confidence becomes visible.
Speaking of visible, are you one of the lucky guys to be born with a giant "uni-brow," like me? If so, I can help. I was able to transform mine into something I actually like looking at. Here's how. First, I trimmed them with a pair of small scissors. This took away the bulk and made everything easier to work with. Then, I used some tweezers and plucked the hairs between my eyebrows. Remember, you don't have to take out every hair from in between them. Leaving it sparse gives it a groomed look without making it obvious. Also, most guys don't know that it's better to pluck hair from the top of the eyebrow, directly above the inner eye, than it is from underneath the arch. Taking too much from underneath the arch is where most guys go wrong. Leave that area well populated with strays, even if you decide to thin it out a bit. You don't want to make it obvious. You may just need to clean it up a bit.
Lastly, let's turn our attention to body hair. Although there's nothing wrong with a little chest hair, keep it trimmed to a 2 or 3 clipper guard setting at most. Stomachs look more trim when trimmed, as well. Back hair is just out of the question. Have it waxed or shave it. Blend the shaved areas into the hairy ones with the hair trimmer and guard. Also, there's no excuse in today's day and age to have any hair on your baby-makers. Girls don't like it. Neither do guys, if that's your thing. Keep your family jewels smooth and you'll end up finding more opportunities to put them on display.
Keeping hair in check is really, really time-consuming in the beginning; but once you get the hang of it, it goes by quickly and the payoff is huge. You have to be able to effectively maintain yourself before you can change the rest of your environment. To reap the benefits, you must put in the work; and it all starts with you.
This is an excerpt from The Adonis Code, by B. Pope. For the full book, go to the following links:

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