Health Tips For Men Over 30

From your thirty's onwards it really pays to look after yourself and there are some really simple ways to put this into practice so why not start today? We have come up with five top tips that will help you to stay one step ahead of the rest. Read on to find out more:
Sleep. The value of a good nights sleep is often unappreciated and with so many of us living busy and demanding lives it is more important than ever, particularly as we get older. It is now well documented that sleeping for less than 7 hours solid every night will shorten your life so take control of this area of your life and make sleep and relaxation a priority alongside fitness, healthy eating, social life and career.
Exercise. Regular exercise is always important but if you neglect it as you get older you will really start to notice your fitness levels dropping rapidly. The good news is that it's easy to work exercise into your daily routine. Making lasting changes like; walking to work, always taking the stairs and getting involved with a weekly activity like football or squash will be enough to help you to stay fit. Aim to raise your heart rate for at least 30 minutes every day. You can even split this into two 15 minute sessions during the day if you are pressed for time.
Diet. We all know about the importance of a healthy diet so be conscious of what you consume and when. Again, there are some very simple ways to improve your eating habits so this doesn't have to be too much of a chore. Consider things like whether you eat a good breakfast, how much alcohol you consume and what you snack on. It's not rocket science; start making good choices.
Hydration. Keeping topped up with water isn't just for girls so start making the effort to include plenty in your diet. Drinking water can also help your skin to stay looking younger, prevent hangovers if you keep a litre bottle next to the bed and guzzle some after a night out, and diminish your appetite if you drink a large glass half an hour before each meal.
Laughter. You've heard the expression 'laughter's the best medicine' and it's certainly not far from the truth. A positive outlook can get you through times of stress and a good belly laugh has numerous health benefits. The best way to ensure a daily dose of laughter is to spend time talking to and socialising with friends and loved ones, so try not to neglect your relationships.
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