Toddler Care Tips to Keep Your Child Healthy

Toddler care is important. The goal is to keep toddlers healthy on the inside of their bodies and the outside. Both are equally important. My husband and I feel that sometimes doctors are so quick to prescribe medications. Why not try to prevent colds and sickness before they strike? There are ways to do this a natural way. I am not a germ freak. However, it is important that you keep your children clean. Cleanliness and sickness go hand and hand. Now there is no 100% way to cancel out sickness all together. It is however possible to build up a healthy immune system, so sickness is minimal. So let's start with keeping the inside healthy.
Keeping Toddler Healthy on the Inside
  • Put your child on a good multi-vitamin. Purchased at a Health Food Store or online.It is very important that you do not buy something at a drug store or department store. I am not going to mention any names but you know where I am going with this. The over the counter vitamins are simply not very good. My son is on a Nature's Plus liquid childrens multi-vitamin. With whole food concentrates. It is vegetarian and Hypo-Allergenic. We started my son on these when he turned one and no longer was taking formula. The difference is amazing!! My son never really got sick. We really noticed the difference. These vitamins are really the same price as the over the counter brands. So make it a PRIORITY and purchase the good stuff! Talk to your pediatrician about whether or not this is a good option for your toddler.
  • Make sure your toddler is getting enough rest. This is an easy toddler care tip. It is during sleep their bodies and brains restore nutrients and grow. Which will help to build up their immune system. If they are not on a sleep schedule then try putting them on one.
  • Protein in their diet. Fish, chicken, meats, and of course beans. These should be a part of their daily diet. You could cook the proteins in good quality fats. Olive oil, Organic butter just to name a few. Kids need to eat a sufficient amount of protein to keep their immune systems healthy.
  • Vegetables in toddler's diet. Serve them raw or cooked for their antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber and enzymes. The nutritional content that you receive from raw fruits and veggies is unbelievable.
  • Drink plenty of water. Toddlers should have plenty of water included in their diet to keep them hydrated. This is another easy toddler care tip. Water does wonders for a healthy immune system. So fill that sippy cup with some nice cold water!!!

Keeping Toddler Healthy on the Outside
  • Bathing. At least once a day. This is important in toddler care. Now if your child suffers from a skin condition than you should consult their pediatrician about how often bathing is appropriate. My son however does not so he gets in the tub at least once a day. (Sometimes two times a day when we have played outside in the yard all day. LOL!) His hair gets washed every other.
  • Keeping toddler's nails clipped and clean. It is important that you purchase a nail brush and clean under their nails when they get a bath. Germs hide under their fingernails. We all know how they play when they go outside. Clean their nails and also keep them cut. The longer you let their nails grow the more dirt and germs hide under them. I clip my sons at least 2-3 times a week.
  • Washing hands. This is a given. Their little hands can get so dirty. Practicing good hygiene is important in toddler care. They should wash their hands before they eat of course, and after they use the restroom. Invest in some hand sanitizer. It is very easy to use because you don't need water. Make sure that you don't rely only on the sanitizer. Have them wash their hands too.
  • Keeping their teeth clean. Everything goes hand and hand. Your body has to be clean, including your mouth.
  • Keeping their clothes and shoes washed and clean. Again, Everything goes hand and hand. It is very important to be clean. You don't want to give any bacteria room to grow anywhere. Keep their clothes washed and even use color safe bleach along with your detergent. It is easy to keep their clothes free from stains.
I take Toddler Care very seriously. This is one of the most important articles I have written. Our family practices these tips every day. It is a way of life for us. My son very rarely gets ill. I know that these tips contribute to that. It's healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle. I am not a doctor, or any type of professional. I am a stay at home mom passing on tips and advice that was helpful for me and my family.
Ingrid Lee is a Work At Home Mom and has a 3 year old son. She is the author and web site creator of where you can find more information on parenting toddlers and fun activities. Learn great toddler health tips, nutrition advice and even how to save money while dressing your child. Her site is a great resource for parents with toddlers.

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