Healthy Advice For Asthma Sufferers

The incidence of asthma and the fatalities from this condition have been growing at an appalling rate for the last 30 years. This escalating epidemic is mainly due to environmental pollution, but there are other alleged contributing elements which can have an effect on the frequency and seriousness of asthma attacks.
It has been speculated that about 75% of children and 40% of adults who have trouble breathing have an unrecognized food allergy which is contributing to the severity of their condition. For those individuals who feel that they may be susceptible to allergies, it is advisable to seek the help of a health care professional to supervise an "allergy elimination diet", in order to identify foods, additives or chemicals which can trigger an asthma attack. Of these, sulphites, a yellow food coloring called tartrazine, and salicylates, are just some of the compounds that can bring on asthma in sensitive individuals, so seek medical advice to find out if there are any chemical sensitivities.
Another common problem with asthmatics is a Vitamin B6 deficiency. This may be a nutritional deficiency of the individual, or in fact can be caused by some anti-asthma drugs. Controlled studies with both children and adults have concluded that supplementation of B6 can show a decrease in the severity of the attacks, improve proper breathing and reduced the need for asthma medication.
Magnesium is a mineral that can prevent spasms in the bronchioles, and studies have found that asthma sufferers are frequently low in magnesium. Intravenous injections of magnesium are used to stop acute asthma attacks, and doctors have been known to recommend supplementation with magnesium for patients with asthma. The optimum dosage is 200 - 400 mg per day for adults, with the dose for children being weight proportionate.
Vitamin C works in a similar way to magnesium, and some suffers have shown significant improvements when taking 1 - 2 grams of buffered Vitamin C.
Vitamin B12 and the trace mineral molybdenum are well known for their ability to remove suphites from the body, although it is recommended that a doctor who specializes in nutrition should help determine and treat sulphite sensitivity.
A good tip for any asthma sufferers is to use a good air ionizer. Allergy causing substances like dust and pollen have been found to have a positive electrical charge, while negatively charged ions have a neutralizing effect on these positively charged ions and their effect on lung tissue. Studies have shown how the use of air ionizers has greatly benefited those people who suffer from allergy induced asthma. Mr. Jonathan Wright M.D. reported that "the majority of allergy sufferers can reduce reliance on other treatments (nutritional, biochemical, or prescription) during negative ion therapy".
Herbs which demonstrate a soothing effect on the bronchioles, and will give asthma relief are marshmallow root, mullein, and licorice. Marshmallow root and mullein are safe to use, even during pregnancy and lactation, with only rare reports of skin irritation. Licorice with the glycyrrhizin can increase blood pressure, but deglycyrrhized versions are not hypertensive. All these herbs will help breathing problems.
There are numerous natural approaches to controlling asthma, but one of the most effective asthma remedies, as well as generally improving lung health is the use of salt therapy. Salt pipes are growing in popularity with asthma and allergy sufferers, with just 15 minutes use a day giving amazing results and reducing their need and use of drug based treatments. It is safe to use, even for children and carries a medicinal license. Breathing sufferers can also try out this treatment in their own homes and return it if not completely satisfied.
Nigel Le Monnier lives in the U.K, and has devoted most of his life to the teaching of how to be Health, Wealthy and Wise to everyone he met. Today he has spread his advice to anyone on the Internet who wants to live healthily by taking control of the direction of their health now, and not leaving it to chance or the doctor. His particular research into salt therapy will be a great help to all those who suffer from any kind of breathing difficulty.
For more information on salt therapy and salt pipes go to

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