Free Home Health Aide Training

For those interested in HHA training but without the financial resources to enroll in HHA courses at fancy schools, there is another option: Free Home Health Aide Training. There is no shame in taking these free courses and in fact, despite what colleges may market at you, some free courses are even better than their pricey university counter parts.
The first step to taking free home health aide training is making sure you meet the requirements. First of all, a potential course seeker will need to be over the age of 18. Next off, the student will need to be able to read and write English at at least a 6th grade reading level. While not required to take courses, having a clean legal record will be an important step in making sure the health aide will be able to qualify for a job after the free home health aide training is finished. Finally, a potential job seeker should be able to lift somewhere in the are of 45-65 pounds. If you can meet these requirements, you will be all set to pursue a career and education in the home health aide field.
The best way to proceed with free health aide training is to reach out to a local HHA agency and see if any courses are available. Home health aid agencies are monitored at the state and federal level by the health service department of record. This ensures that the proper and in demand skills are being taught and that the student will learn to do their job the legal and proper way. The other reason for this oversight is to ensure that the trained HHA is able to receive payments from medicare or medicaid (which requires state sanctioned training).
Contacting an Agency for Free Home Health Aide Training
Free Home Health Aide Training
When contacting the HHA agency, you should be straightforward and ask specifically if there is a free HHA training available. If there is, go ahead and ask about the requirements and time frame of these classes. Agencies often times require that you work with them for a certain amount of time after receiving free health aide training but this can be viewed more like a paid internship than anything else. The standard time period is 1 year. When applying for free training make sure to ask about this part of the deal.
Another way to search for free HHA training is to ask your local state Department of Labor. They should have information about what, if any, free HHA training is available. Some states may provide free training directly with no expectation that the student work for the state. These courses are often time aligned with unemployment training.
The other chief method of finding free home health aide courses is to go online. There is a plethora of free HHA training available. To find these courses the first step is to head to your favorite search engine like Google and just do a simple search for "free HHA training" and see what comes up. Keep in mind that online coursework is often times harder than in person course work due to the lack of accountability so this option may not be best suited for everyone. Also be aware that there are many organizations that will claim to be accredited HHA agencies or education institutes but are not. It is recommended that you all up your state health services department to find out more about the free online courses you come across.
E.M. August is the owner of Home Health Aide Training Blog. Click here to learn more about free HHA training.

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