Baby Health Tips

Babies no matter how you look at them are just so adorable and so lovely, looking like angels especially when they smile in their sleep. Their cuteness, their pillow softness is simply irresistible hence any mother would go to extremes to protect them, no ifs and no buts. Since babies are vulnerable to sicknesses because of their weak immune system, parents need to take extra care of them.
Vaccines are given to babies for protection against sicknesses such as Hepatitis B vaccine that is given at birth. A second dose called booster shot is given 30 days or more thereafter. Other vaccines such as Rotavirus, DTaP, Haemophilus influenza (HiB), Pneumococcal Conjugate and inactivated poliovirus are also given at different stages. It is best that you work closely with your baby's health care provider with regard to vaccines needed depending on your child's age. There are more vaccines that your baby may need and they do not cost that much. In some cases, they are even given for free.
Haven't many adult wished they had the satiny soft, smooth skin of a baby? This is another important part of a baby's health that needs careful attention and gentle care. Lotions and other skin care products that you use on your skin, no matter what the label promises should never be used on your baby's delicate skin. There are specific infant lotions and oils formulated not to cause any harm to your baby's cottony soft skin.
Your baby's health's most important concern is nutrition thus the promotion of breastfeeding especially for newborn infants. This is very important in their development as breast milk can provide your baby the necessary nutrients important to his immune system. The mother must ensure she is fit to breastfeed a child though.
In as much as mother make sure their babies are safe, well taken care of and properly nourished there come minor problems every now and then. It is just a matter of knowing what to do in such cases.
Diapers must stay below cord to keep it clean and dry at all times until it naturally falls off. This may take about two or three weeks after birth. You may dab alcohol on a cotton swab once or twice daily or follow doctor's advice. At any sign of irritation, redness, odor or especially bleeding, immediately consult or call your baby's health care giver.
Diapers can irritate the tip of the baby's penis but a small amount of petroleum jelly at each diaper change will help. The circumcision normally heals in seven to ten days. Again, at any sign irritation, call your doctor.
Treat diaper rash immediately as they tend to get worse in such a short time once they start to appear. You may use diaper rash cream. You may avoid diaper rash and not let your baby suffer from this by changing baby's diaper often and immediately once wet. Be diligent in washing baby's bottom often, possibly at every diaper change. Gently dry with a soft cloth and let baby's bottom uncovered for a few minutes of air drying.
No reason to worry for breastfeeding mothers in cases of baby's diarrhea, they may continue feeding. However, if your baby cannot keep down the milk and diarrhea continues for longer than twelve hours, call your baby's health care provider.
An angry baby generally calms down once carried and hugged by their mommies. But should baby continue to cry, check for colic. Hold your baby, stomach down on your lap or shoulder. Gently rub baby's back putting a very gentle pressure as you do so. If you can make your baby burp by doing this, your baby will feel immediate relief from colic.
In the absence of fever, you may give your baby cold drops especially prepared for babies. Keep your baby more comfortable. However, if your baby has fever, call your baby's doctor.
  • has breathing problems, finds it difficult to get air, appears to be weak and has no energy
  • is crying or moaning unusually and very finicky, refuses to feed or does not sleep soundly and awake for longer hours than usual but not alert
  • passes blood in his urine or bowels
  • is shaking especially for an unexplained reason
Whenever you find anything unusual about your baby, something that you cannot explain, let your mother's instinct prevail. It is there for a good reason.
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