Anti Aging Tips for Health and Longevity

Compared to records that date back to the 19th century, the average existence and longevity of today has indeed exceeded those of the past. There was a time when the life expectancy of an average female was to live until her late forties while an average male can expect to live only till his mid-forties. This may seem ironic especially when we see people from an older generation who are born sometime in the 1900's are still alive today. Studies have shown that as systems advanced, the average life expectancy increased and so have many anti aging processes. The longevity of the average individual has gone up to living beyond their 70s. Nowadays, women are expected to live past the age of 90 and men past 80. It is still very rare to see people live past the age of 100. According to science experts, finding an individual who is alive past the age of 125 is surely a feat. Many people can live beyond the age of 90 for as long as they receive the right medical care and are generally healthy.
Most of the ailments that we have today are a result of bad eating habits, combined with the lack of exercise, proper rest and a list of unhealthy habits like too much alcohol, drugs, smoking and many more. Though some are really unfortunate to be genetically wired to possess higher risks to their health. Studies have shown that some people are genetically predisposed to heart disease, Alzheimer's and more. They showed that it is also partly genetics that determines a person's longevity. The higher the risk one has based on family history or genetics, the shorter the living expectancy will be, so in their case most of the anti aging treatments may not be that efficient.
How do health experts regard longevity? What they normally do is study the family history of an individual and look for dominant genetic factors that may show a long or short life expectancy. If you have a family history of diabetes or if yourself have it already, the doctor can only help reduce those risks but will be unable to stop the disease totally. Doctors would also look into our lifestyle to see if you are prone to alcoholism, if you are a smoker, if you have drug related problems, if you have any eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia, if you have daily physical activities and the like and if you happen to answer yes to a number of the questions, then you can actually expect to have shorter lifespan that those who answered no to all.
Doctors will also look into medical care. If you are one to make regular visits to your doctor and take care of yourself with various anti aging treatments, then you are more inclined to live a healthier and longer life because medical and self care practices are in place to reduce the risks of certain diseases, work towards its prevention and ultimately its treatment.
What are some important things you should know about life expectancy and anti aging? Did you know that some cancers, Alzheimer's disease and most diseases are curable upon early detection?
Once you know this, you will understand the value of medical care and how it directly impacts your way of life and lead a fulfilling anti aging routine. Medical and alternative health experts are in constant search to find means to a longer life. They have taken on this role because they are concerned about your health. It is therefore best to listen to their advice and get healthy with anti aging regimen that you need to live longer, healthier and better life.
For more information about various anti aging programs, visit our antiaging page.
Natural Cures Pro is an independent resource that covers health topics that empower individuals to make positive health changes.

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