7 Advices for "Weight Loss"

Why you gain weight?
"It's simple; if you absorb more calories than you can burn then you will get more weight"
Let me ask you few questions!
1. Why do you have to starve yourself to death?
2. Why don't you find a better way to lose weight?
3. Did you set your goal?
4. Have you changed your daily habits?
5. Who or what will assist you to achieve your long term goal?
6. Have you found your motivations?
7. How do you track your weight?
Here are 7 simple advices that will help you achieve your weight in daily basis
Advice 1: Eliminate any kind of food that is not good for your health even if it is the best way to lose your weight and remember nothing is more important than your health. You must balance your nutrition.
Advice 2: Maintain your weight after you lost few pounds. Do not let food's temptations take away your efforts so easily. Do not put any kind of food that already destroyed your happiness in your refrigerator and do not go to fast food restaurant daily.
Advice 3: Do not let your weight destroy your social life just because you don't want to eat or embarrassing with your body image. You should not care about what other people are laughing about, just care about your goal.
Advice 4: Do not squander your money on any program or product that only aims at your pocket.
Advice 5: Avoid stress and depression before it makes you eat more than you can imagine. Be happy, be healthy and find something to enjoy instead of blaming on yourself because that will not make you happier except your goal. Once you achieve your weight I guarantee you that the harder you try the more satisfy you get. Successful people never blame on their mistakes but they just keep trying.
Advice 6: Change your habits. Put away your snack while you're watching TV and replace it with a cup of tea. If you are bored then do some activity or exercising instead of wasting your time for nothing because research showed that exercising can help you reduce stress that lead to overweight. Be cautious while you are eating, don't just put anything in your mouth.
Advice 7: Replace your previous diets with fruits and vegetables because they contain more fibers and vitamins that will help you feel less hungry and also good for your health.
These seven methods were helping me over the past 5 years while i was struggling with my weight. I did not have to spend a dime on any weight loss program or product. Just follow these simple methods and exercise for 15 minutes or walking for 30 minutes daily in the morning without breakfast. I guarantee you that are nothing will make you feel better than having yourself back. Good Luck
Tung Nguyen weight loss assistant at Wellspring Academies http://www.wellspringacademies.com
To read more visit my blog at http://somehowhelp.blogspot.com/

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