5 Tips For Healthy Living

Feel like you don't have as much energy as you used to? Stressed out about things that happen both at work and in your personal life? Want to lose the five extra pounds that have taken up residence on your hips? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may need a lesson in healthy living.
The average person spends two thirds of their life either at work, working at home or thinking about work. The majority of the remaining time is spent sleeping. So what can you do in your waking hours to make sure you're living the healthiest lifestyle possible? We have the answers:
1. Eliminate Stress. Eliminating undue stress can be one of the hardest things to accomplish in your daily routine. On the other hand, it also has the biggest impact on your life. Ever heard the saying 'don't sweat the small stuff'? It's time to put those words into action. And if you still can't beat the blues, try lighting some candles and taking a bath, planning a day at the health spa, working out or reading a book. These are all known to be effective measures in relieving stress.
2. Quit Smoking If you've taken up the not-so-flattering (not to mention, unhealthy) habit of smoking, we strongly urge you to try quitting. And while we realize that doing so may up your stress levels for a short period of time, the long term effects on your health will be worth it in the end.
3. Eat Healthy. Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet will work wonders for your health and will improve your overall energy. Eating green vegetables, fruit and the appropriate portions of meat and dairy combined with drinking lots of water and milk (to strengthen bones) will not only help you lose those extra pounds but will make you feel like a million bucks as well.
4. Exercise. Working out on a consistent basis will also make you look and feel better. Exercising (whether it's at a gym or in your home) will increase energy, relieve stress and leave you looking damn good. Who's going to say no to that?
5. Stay Informed. Health education is a great way to learn about new ways to stay healthy. Watching health channels on television (preferably while running on a treadmill) or reading a health magazine (you know, to relieve some stress) will help make sure you know what's going on in the industry.
Now that you know the plan, it's time to put it in action. Good luck - and stay healthy!
Adella Klein is an expert on Healthy Living. When she's not speaking within the community to promote Women's Health issues, she's contributing her knowledge and expertise to OneHealthyLifestyle.com

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