4 Facts on Staying Healthy

Staying health and maintaining an active lifestyle are among of the most important things you can do for your body. Bodies need nutrition and exercise to function properly and when you are healthy you look and feel great. You have a good mental attitude which also contributes to overall good health.
If you have bad habits in your life that are making you feel sluggish and unhealthy, get rid of them today and start living the life you were meant to live. Remember that overeating, smoking or over working will affect your health and cause you to become irritated, exhausted, and contract diseases that you do not want to have.
Medical Care
You should have a total physical at least once per year. Get regular screenings if you feel that you have cardiovascular problems or there are any lumps or spots on your skin that are different or you feel unusually under the weather. An annual checkup will give you the assurance that your physical health is great.
Routine blood work will also give you the advantage of detecting underlying problems. You need to get care immediately if you are injured or feel ill. Be proactive and get regular checkups.
Take care of your eyes and teeth. They are as equally important as the rest of your body. Practice good oral hygiene and address all dental problems. This will keep your entire body as well as your smile, bright.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that children and adults get their foods from the follow groups: milk, vegetables, grains beans, fruits, and lean meats andoils. You will get all the nutrition and vitamins and minerals you need from eating a well balanced diet. Do not eat fast foods, processed food or over indulge in sugars and salts.These will definitely prevent you from being healthy. Avoid fatty meats and try to eat one meal a week that is totally vegetarian.
The dreaded exercise suggestion is at least thirty minutes a day of moderate exercise. Cleaning your house, washing your car, taking the dog for a brisk walk, washing windows, and many more chores you do everyday are great for getting the exercise you need. You can add walking around the block, shopping at the mall, and taking care of children great ways to get exercise. If you have time, take those 30 minutes and go to the gym for exercise and a mental break.
Rest and sleep are important. You need to sleep at least seven hours a night to maintain good health. Sleeping rejuvenates your cells and helps the body to recuperate and heal itself from the injuries of everyday living.
Alcohol and Drugs
Whatever you do, avoid recreational drugs and excess alcohol consumption. Regular drinking of alcoholic beverages leads to liver and digestive system problems and causes you to be addicted to habits that are not healthy. Seek treatment immediately if you have any type of substance abuse addictions. Unhealthy addictions will contribute to future ill health and a decreased level of living.
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