5 Fast Healthcare Careers

Healthcare is one of the best career fields for a number of reasons. A career in healthcare is rewarding both personally and financially, and almost invariably offers great job security. Contrary to popular belief, not every career in healthcare requires a huge amount of advanced education - although, most healthcare careers do require specialized training. These are some of the best healthcare careers that do not require doctorate training.
Dental Hygienist
Most people visit the dentist twice per year, and many go to the dentist's office even more often. Most of these visits necessitate the services of a dental hygienist. Unlike the position of dentist, becoming a dental hygienist does not require a doctorate degree, in the case of a dental hygienist the usual requirement is an associate's degree in dental hygiene. This position is also high-paying, with a median salary of $69,280 a year. This career also offers great room for advancement, with the pursuit of higher education degrees and even higher paying careers becoming increasingly common amongst experienced dental hygienists.
Physical Therapist Assistant
Physical therapists are always in high demand, but that position requires both a master's degree as well as a license. However, the position of physical therapist assistant is also in high demand, and training is available through an associate's degree. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for physical therapist assistant is rising more quickly than it is for other health care careers, including the demand for physical therapists. This is a rewarding career that involves playing a role in helping patients regain mobility.
Veterinary Technician
Animal lovers often seek a career in the veterinary field, and veterinary technicians are always in high demand. Becoming a veterinary technician involves a two year associate's degree in the field, as well passing an exam. Veterinary technicians play a hugely crucial role in veterinary offices, including nursing and surgery assistance. In addition to an associate's degree, a passion for helping animals is also a requirement to become a veterinary technician.
Medical Transcriptionist
The position of medical transcriptionist is not relegated to any specific medical field or category. Medical transcriptionists are needed in an extensive array of facilities, from hospitals to general practitioner's offices to urgent care offices to a range of other facilities. The service that medical transcriptionists deliver is invaluable to keeping these facilities running and providing crucial medical care. Medical transcriptionist traininginvolves leaning the range of terminology and methodology involved with the job. Although there are no official requirements for this position, good medical transcriptionist training is a common requirement for employers.
Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy technicians help pharmacists perform their duties of dispensing medications and interacting with customers. Pharmacy technicians also assist in the administrative duties of a pharmacy. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a sharp increase in the demand for pharmacy technicians over the next decade. Although there are not always secondary education prerequisites to become a pharmacy technician, pharmacy technician training puts you in a prime position to be hired for the best pharmacy technician jobs.
Visit Thompson Career College for more information on a healthcare career.

Is the FDA Protecting You?

In 2008, the United State Food and Drug Administration (FDA) accused the Regenerative Science (Regenexx) of Colorado of practicing medicine without a license required for the introduction of a new drug. The organization was using people's own stem cells (known as autologous) for orthopedic purposes, and the FDA was in effect claiming that our own stem cells are a drug.
In 2010 the FDA sued to stop Regenerative Sciences from performing these procedures and in a district court ruling in Washington D.C. last year the FDA's ruling was upheld. The case is now being appealed.
Last year the FDA closed the labs of Celltex Therapeutics in Texas for treating patients the same way. Celltex is the company that famously treated governor Rick Perry of Texas for his back problems.
In both cases the FDA cited that the stem cells (SCs), once removed from the person's body, were "more than minimally manipulated". There are so many issues here that a simple article will not cover them, but let me focus on several of the main ones:
  1. Does a person have the right to have their own SCs re-injected back into their own body without the FDA getting involved?
  2. Does the FDA have the right to classify SCs as drugs?
  3. Can the FDA continue to "move the goalposts" in determining what constitutes what "more than minimally manipulated" means and how it is defined?
  4. And perhaps most importantly, when there is no other alternative other than degeneration and degradation of a quality of life, doesn't a person get to choose what they do with their own body?
People who have had Stem Cell Treatments
There are at least several tens of thousands of people who have had this type of treatment around the world, including in the US, and many of them have had significant symptomatic relief. A woman by the name of SammyJo Wilkinson is a perfect example of someone here in the US who was treated by Celltex.
There are also many stories, admittedly anecdotal, that come out of other countries where regulations have been different than those in the US. One country where some tens of thousands of patients have been treated is China, the target of much criticism by the stem cell establishment. Whereas some of this criticism is justified, there are also many stories of people who have had their quality of life improved in varying degrees. You can see and hear for yourself patients who tell their stories of spinal cord injuries with umbilical derived adult SCs (allogeneic) and other stories at the Stemcell China website, as well as on many YouTube videos that are available on the internet.
What is missing here is the ability for the powers that be here in the US to be objective and open-minded, and to other possibilities of treatment protocols; to be open to going to see these patients and hospitals and getting first hand information before passing judgments. I have been in China several times and it was a huge eye-opener.
It's the Proof that Matters
If there is no proof that these treatments, autologous and umbilical derived allogeneic stem cells are dangerous, shouldn't we have the right to treat our bodies in the way we want to?
Steve Marshank has been working as an entrepreneur in health care with a focus on the burgeoning stem cell industry for more than six years. A member of the Stem Cell Research Group, Advances in Stem Cell Discoveries Society, Regenerative Medicine Foundation and the Cell Therapy Industry Group, he has developed a wide-reaching network of relationships with companies, medical professionals, scientists and business leaders in the industry. You can read more about stem cells and this 21st century industry at http://www.stemcellsconsulting.com/

Natural Bug Repellents

As a devout camper and real nature lover I don't want to be constantly in fear of ticks or other bites which can transmit diseases like the West Nile virus. We all just want to enjoy late-summer and fall outdoor gatherings, camping, hiking, and hunting without biting bugs.
At the time when I was done with those annoying insects that ruined my every year's holidays I tried all kinds of methods how to get rid of bug bites. Since then I discovered a bunch of effective natural ways and a few storage bought repellents that really worked out for me and which at the end saved my vacations. If you're at your wits end with this nuisance pest, take a few minutes to read these tips for getting rid of bug bites.
Natural bug repellents:
Homemade bug repellents are very effective and can be made inexpensively and naturally at home. I have been using these self-made alternatives constantly for many years and I have tested them in lots of different countries. Below are the few natural repellents that I found worked best for me:
1) Essential oil
You will need 10 to 25 drops of essential oil, witch hazel and distilled or boiled water.
1) Fill a jar ½ full with distilled or boiled water
2) Add few drops of witch hazel oil
3) Add 10-25 drops of essential oil of your choice (the more oil you use the stronger the spray will be). I prefer rosemary oil, lavender oil, citronella, clove and peppermint oil. It works efficient and also smells good!
4) After that, you will need to add one tablespoon of aloe Vera and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Blend the ingredients and pour the mixture into an open glass.
5) Apply a few drops of the content to your pulse points to deter insects when outdoors. Reapply as needed.
This preparation is suitable for adults and it is advisable to be aware of the contra-indications for each essential oil. It worked very efficient for me against ticks, mosquitos and biting flies.
2) Fresh or dried herbs
Again you will need distilled or boiled water, witch hazel and herbs (lavender, citronella, clove, peppermint, lemon-grass)
1) Fill a jar with distilled or boiled water
2) Add 3-5 TBSP of fresh or dried herbs in any combination. I usually use lavender, citronella and some mint herb.
3) Stir the mixture well, cover it and let it cool
4) Add 5 TBSP of witch hazel oil
5) Remove the herbs and apply the mixture on your skin as needed.
It is working very efficient and it is also refreshing for your skin. It has a very delicious smell! It used to worked on ticks and mosquitoes for me.
3) Vinegar
The vinegar mixture is a super strong and effective bug repellent. It works incredibly well though, and this is the one I use when I'm going to be camping in the woods or in tick infested areas.
You will need apple cider vinegar, 5 TBSP each of rosemary, lavender, thyme and mint and a glass jar with airtight lid.
1) Put the vinegar and the dried herbs in a glass jar with airtight lid
2) Mix or shake the mixture every day for at least 2-weeks
3) Remove the herbs and store the mixture preferably in fridge
4) Before using it dilute it by half with water
5) Use it only if you need radical bug control.
Warning: This mixture has a strong smell when it is wet but it is making wonders. After being applied it loses the strong odor. It worked out for me on any insects!
Store bought repellents
If you don't have the proper resources for homemade repellents or if you prefer to buy bug repellent in the store, then you should make sure that you get one of the most effective ones. Below are my favorite repellents that I tried on different camping trips around the world:
3M Ultrathon
This type of repellent is recommended by many experts. It is especially good for repelling insects in very wet and wooded areas. It is also very effective for long-term use and has been shown to repel insects for up to 12 hours. One of the reasons that 3M Ultrathon Insect Repellent is so effective is because it contains DEET. DEET is a type of yellow oil that is found in most of the store-brought bug repellents. Some people claim that the asset is dangerous and that it would cause skin damages and rashes. Since I am not an expert in this field I just want to share my experience with this product. Ultrathon was working very good in wet and moist conditions in Indonesia and Taiwan. It didn't smell so bad as other products and I just apply it twice a day( in the morning and before going to bet). I haven't got bitten once!
Bite Blocker Organic Extreme
As an good alternative to 3M Ultrathon which don't contains DEET I was totally impressed of Bite Blocker Extreme. I was using it during my camping holidays and I didn't get any mosquito or tick bites (mostly in the woods and by the sea). This repellent is not only very effective, but it is safe because it only contains plant-based ingredients. It can repel insects for up to 3.5 hours. You will have to reapply the spray frequently. To my taste it smells a little bit.
How to Apply Insect Repellent:
Insect repellent is any type of substance that is designed to repel insects. All you have to do is apply it directly to the exposed skin and clothing. Avoid putting any repellent on cuts or skin abrasions. You should make sure that you wash the skin as soon as you come back indoors. All the same, if you haven't already used essential oil products on your skin, do a skin patch test before using and it is recommended to talk to your health care professional before using it as a bug repellent.
Safety Concerns!
Pregnant women can use repellent because there has been no evidence to suggest that it can harm the mother or baby. The safest types of repellent for pregnant women to use are the natural ones and the repellents that contain DEET. Children can use insect repellent, but parents should avoid putting it on a child's hands because children often put their hands in their mouth. The repellent should also not be used around the mouth or the hands.
If you want to know more about my experienced ways and tips to get rid of bug bites visit check my blog: http://howtogetridofbugbites.com

High School Wrestling: Diet and Nutrition Tips

I knew very little about nutrition or weight loss when I began my high school wrestling career. I didn't know about the importance of proper nutrition and proper hydration. I had no idea about the number of calories in certain foods. I didn't know a deep fried fish square on a bun had more calories than a hamburger because I thought that fish was healthy. I had no clue about the different roles that the various nutrients played in one's body.
Wrestling is a sport that involves competitors being in different weight classes. Therefore, some wrestlers find it beneficial to diet thinking they will have a competitive advantage in a lower weight class. This is not always the case but this notion seems to persist. Regardless of whether or not a wrestler decides to cut weight or not he should still practice proper nutrition to ensure that he performs at top level.
A few simple things to keep in mind:
  • One pound is equal to approximately 3,500 calories
  • If you consume 500 fewer calories per day then you will lose one pound per week (500 calories per day x 7 days = 3,500 calories per week equating to one pound)
  • One gram of carbohydrate has four calories
  • One gram of protein has four calories
  • One gram of fat has nine calories
  • Your body's preferred source of fuel is carbohydrates like bread, cereals, rice, potatoes, and pasta
  • Adequate fiber can help you feel full when dieting
  • Remember to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
A simple formula regarding weight loss, weight gain, and weight maintenance:
  • Take your body weight times 10 to find the number of calories to eat per day to lose weight (e.g. a wrestler weighing 150 lbs. would need to consume 1,500 calories per day to lose weight)
  • Take your body weight times 15 to find the number of calories to maintain your weight (e.g. if a wrestler cuts down to 120 lbs. he could then eat approximately 1,800 calories per day and still maintain that weight)
  • If you want to gain weight then take your body weight times 20 to find the number of calories needed each day to gain weight
As you can see, fat contains more than twice the number of calories per gram than carbohydrate or protein. So, if you want to lose weight then cutting down on fats will help. Fat is not all bad. Fat helps in the production of hormones like testosterone and does many other good things in the body so do not eliminate it entirely. 
When I wrestled in high school, I ate a lot of fruit, potatoes, plain unsweetened oatmeal, plain unbuttered bread and toast, vegetables, milk, yogurt, and lean meat.
Your body's muscles need adequate glycogen for energy. Your brain's primary source of fuel is glucose. In other words, you need to consume adequate carbohydrates to have energy and to be mentally focused.
When I was cutting weight in high school I would become very weak and had trouble concentrating. I now know this is because I had no glycogen and no glucose, which my body was in vital need of.
Keep in mind that your pre competition meal should be light and carbohydrate based as well.
Low calorie diets can lead to muscle loss. You cannot be as strong and powerful if you are losing muscle mass. Some researchers also believe that very low calorie diets can cause one's metabolism to drop because the body senses a famine situation and goes into starvation mode. Therefore, if you choose to lose weight to be more competitive do not go on a drastic low calorie diet.
Whether you diet or not, be sure to get these six key nutrients: 
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fat
  • Protein
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Water
If you eat a wide variety of food, you should be able to meet your nutritional requirements. Educate yourself about proper nutrition. Read books and articles. Consider buying a food scale and a calorie-counting book if you decide to lose weight.
Do not neglect the importance of nutrition in addition to proper technique and good conditioning in your quest to be a successful wrestler.
If you would like more information about wrestling and nutrition please visit http://wrestlingforglory.blogspot.com.

Nutrition Care When Immune System Is Down During Cancer Treatment

Cancer and cancer treatment, weakens the body and our immune system. This makes a cancer victim more prone to infection. The body loses its capacity to protect itself. It becomes necessary to protect the cancer victim from being exposed to infection.
Some food handling care to be taken is:
• Hands should be washed with warm water before food preparation and eating.
• Neat fish or poultry should be thawed in the microwave and not at room temperature.
• Food should not be refreeze.
• Perishable food should be stored in the refrigerator within 2 hrs of preparing or buying them.
• Eggs or cream containing dishes should not be left unrefrigerated for more than an hour.
• Wash vegetables and fruits before cutting, do not use commercial food rinses.
• Rise leafy vegetables one at a time under running water
• Commercially bought salads, mixes, etc should be rinsed even though it is labelled prewashed or rinsed.
• Avoid buying cut vegetables.
• Do not use an utensil to taste and return to the storing vessel.
• Throw out food that is gone off
Cross contamination is another fear the best way to avoid it is
• Use different knives to cut different foods.
• Store raw meat away from ready to eat food
• Use different cutting boards for raw meats,
• Clean counter tops and cutting boards with soapy water.
• When grilling always use clean plate for cooked meat.
Some tips on cooking food:
• Food should be well cooked.
• While microwave cooking, rotate the dish quarter turn once or twice if turntable is not available
• Left over's can be cooked wrapped in a vented plastic wrap or lid, stirring often helps.
If you have to eat out, then opt for fresh cooked food. It is best to avoid high risk food sources like salad bars, buffets etc. Raw fruits and vegetables are to be avoided, this includes fresh squeezed juice.
Recommended eating.
• Ensured all meats, poultry and fish are well cooked.
• Opt for vacuum sealed nuts and shelf stable nut butters.
• Avoid raw eggs, cooks eggs until yolk and whites are solid,
• Use milk and dairy products only of pasteurized milk, yogurt or cheese.
• Rice and bread are safe to eat as long as they are pre-packed.
• Fresh vegetables and fruits are safe to eat only if properly washed and rinsed any raw vegetable sprout is highly avoidable.
• Pasteurized jam, jelly, preserves, syrup, fruit pies cakes are safe to eat.
• Unrefrigerated cream filled pastry, raw honey or honeycomb are highly avoidable.
• It is best to drink boiled water. Pasteurized fruit and vegetable juices coffee and tea.
Maintenance of nutrition is essential during and after cancer treatment as it helps in withstanding the treatment and its effects better. It also provides resistance to infection, and allows tissue repair and
Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) has been a pioneer in providing best cancer treatment as well as follow up to patients suffering from various cancer types. With branches in Newnan, Philadelphia, Chicago, Tulsa etc., CTCA aims at providing the best treatment options to cancer patients.

The Importance of Nutrition in Our Daily Life

Whenever we take any food or nourishing liquids, our body digests and absorbs the simple but essential minerals, vitamins, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water from these food or nourishing liquids and converts it into the bloodstream and energy that help our body to grow and keep it healthy.
The nutrition value is more important for any individual's health. The food or liquids whenever we take it affect our body and health as well both. So it is very important that we should be more aware of the foods or liquids whatever we take in our daily life. A large number of diseases occur only due to wrong diet. Some certain diet may itself cause some disease or alter the course of a known disorder such as diabetes, heart or kidney disease.
Why Nutrition is important for us?
As we know that food and water is necessary to build up our body and keep it healthy. Every good food and liquid contains some important nutrition like proteins, carbohydrate, fats, some vitamins, minerals and water. These all play different role to keep our body healthy and build new cells in our body.
These are the important nutrition and their role in our body:
Protein helps our body to build muscles and strong immune system. Basically proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids. There are 22 different types of amino acid and our body needs all these amino acid to function properly. Protein is abundant type of nutrient in our body that builds new tissues and repairs all damaged cells in our body. It also helps in formation of hormones and enzymes which play variety of roles in our body such as metabolism and sexual development. There are many types of protein that play different types of important role in our body. For example collagen is a protein and it gives the strength, elasticity and composition of our hair and skin. Some of the good protein sources are lentils, low-fat dairy products, tofu, nuts, seeds, peas, tempeh. Some common foods such as whole grain bread, potatoes, corn and pasta also have protein. Soya protein is the most essential and strong protein and it is equal to any animal origin protein.
Carbohydrates give us energy. This is an ideal source of energy for the body because carbohydrates converted more readily into glucose. It helps our body to supply the energy for the formation of cellular constituent. Carbohydrates are made up of three compounds Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen formed by plants. There are four types of carbohydrates are important - Sugar, Starches, Fiber and Gums. If carbohydrates taken regularly it doesn't cause any weight gain, unless like other food group. There are two types of carbohydrates - Complex and Simple. Efficiency of carbohydrates can cause the production of ketones in the body, it can results into a condition known as ketosis. The good examples of carbohydrates are breads, potatoes, pasta, soda, chips, candies/sweets, cookies/biscuits, puddings, cakes, sugar, bananas etc.
Fat provides us extra energy. It is a nutrient and a particular amount of fat is necessary for our body. It doesn't always make us fat. It play role to insulate our bodies by giving us protection from sudden changes in temperature and also protects our vital organs. Fats consists of a wide group of compounds are soluble in organic solvents and insoluble in water. Fats provide 9 calories per gram. When dietary fat is digested, fatty acids are produced. It is also important for healthy skin and blood pressure regulation.
There are two types of fats Saturated (solid at room temperature) and Unsaturated (liquid at room temperature). To obtain an adequate amount of linoleic acid, one of the few fatty acids the body cannot produce on itself. Any adult needs one tablespoon of unsaturated fat daily. Saturated fats mainly occur in dairy products like butter, cream, cheese and some chocolates. The source of unsaturated fats are soybean, sunflower and corn oils.
A vitamin is an organic compound, it regulate our body processes and plays an important role to make our body function properly. The term vitamin was derived from 'vitamine', a combination word from Vital and Amine. Today a chemical compound is called a vitamin. Our body needs vitamins as substances to grow and develop normally. There are 13 vitamins necessary for our body. Some of them are A, B, C, D, E, K, vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12. In our daily life we get all most all these vitamins form foods whatever we take. Our body can also produce vitamins D and K.
Each vitamin plays specific jobs. Any particular low levels of vitamins cause deficiency disease. For example, if we don't get enough vitamin D it can cause rickets. Deficiency of vitamin 'A' can cause Night Blindness.
If we eat a balanced diet we get enough essential vitamin automatically form our daily food or liquid. We don't even need to take any particular vitamin separately. Only in some cases we need to take a daily multivitamin for optimal health.
Minerals regulate our body processes and also make body tissues. Minerals make our body work properly same as vitamin play the role but it doesn't prevent weight loss. Although we get it form our daily foods, so we don't need to take it separately. Minerals boost our immune system. Some important minerals are Chloride, Calcium, Copper, Chromium, Fluoride, Iron and Iodine. These types of minerals can be found from our daily food or liquid supplement like salt, soy sauce, milk, vegetable oils, whole grains, cheese, nuts etc
Water gives cells shape and acts as a medium where body processes can occur. It is the well known yet most important nutrient our body needs. It is also the most abundant type of liquid found in our body contributing 70% of our total mass. It helps to dissolve and carry the essential nutrients to all parts of the body. It is also needed to help maintain the body temperature and aids to carry away the body's waste products.
In human body there are 70% of total mass is covered by water. Water gives cells shape and acts as a medium where body processes can occur. It is very necessary nutrient than available all nutrients. It is also the most abundant type of liquid found in human body. Water help maintain the body temperature and aids to carry away the body's waste products.
We see that nutrition plays a very important role in our lives, each food and liquid contains its own nutrition value which is very necessary in our life. It could help to extend or decrease our life span as well as define our degree or livelihood. It helps in our mental and physical development as well. We must should aware about the food and liquid what we take regularly. Popper food in our daily life leads to a lifetime habit toward a healthy extended life.
Check out this website http://www.eatyourveggie.com for more information about the vegetarian foods and recipes.

Pregnancy-Nutrition for a Healthy Mom and Baby

It seems that during pregnancy many will approach you with their horror stories. I can count on both hands the amount of frightening stories I heard during pregnancy. Stories about pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), preeclampsia, toxemia, HELLP syndrome and the frightening drugs they used to reduce blood pressure or to stop preterm labor. Then there are those stories about women delivering premature babies, stillbirths, or small for gestational age babies (preemies).
Pregnancy is terrifying these days, specifically when we are persistently told that there is no recognized cause and no known remedy to any of these common complications. Is this the truth however or is there information we are not being told? Information that is as simple as having proper pregnancy nutrition.
Farther back than a century to the present, medical research has shown that there is actually a way to avoid these problems, by getting excellent nutrition during pregnancy. When carrying a baby in your womb, what you eat develops into the nourishment your child receives.
Knowledge is power
Knowing the right pregnancy nutrition to eat in order to nurture your baby can help ensure a healthy pregnancy.
Your blossoming baby gets, from your blood stream, every nutrient needed for development of their brain to every nerve in their body. If you don't eat the correct foods, the baby is unable to absorb nutrients out of your body, because you're not providing them.
How it works
If your baby fails in getting enough nourishment, the placenta can grow in size in an attempt to obtain more nutrients. The placenta accepts blood from your body, to seize nutrients and transport them to your baby, according to "Nutrition in the Womb".
Eat Right Strategy's
· Don't be shy when it comes to eating and drinking your dairy. Four servings or 1000-1300 mg of calcium in your daily diet during pregnancy. You need 4000 IU's of Vit. D3 daily.
· Iron, 27mg a day, is extremely important throughout pregnancy. You can bump up your iron by taking Energizing Iron liquid liver capsules.
· Pregnant women need 70 mg of vitamin C a day. Vitamin C helps you stay healthy and fight off infection. Some good sources of vitamin C are, oranges, strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes, and dark leafy greens.
· Despite the huge cravings, decrease your fat intake to 30% or less of your total daily calories. Read labels.
· Omega 3's for your baby's brain and vision.
· Don't overdue it on the cheese or mayo. Limit your cholesterol to 300 mg a day.
· If the smell of meat is making you sick, remember that protein is responsible for developing every cell of your baby's body. Eat 80-100 grams protein daily. Try a whey protein shake, daily, to boost your intake.
Being pregnant is no easy task and eating healthy can sometimes be challenging. Some days you will feel outstanding and on others, you may only want to eat ice cream. And, of course, you can expect to gain weight. If starting pregnancy at a healthy weight, your goal to gain will be roughly 25-35 pounds. Underweight women should gain 28-40 pounds, and overweight women only 15-25.
When your diet is lacking in any sole nutrient, then your pregnancy nutrition is not up to par and is putting you at higher risk of having your own horror pregnancy story to tell.
So you breakfast skippers and chip lunch eaters, now is the perfect time to redeem yourself. Master your pregnancy nutrition for your little one and yourself!
For your free "Healthy Birth Booklet-6 Steps to a Safer Birth" filled with six simple steps that support and guide your decisions before and during labor to have a safer and healthier birth-for both you and your baby, visit the link below.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the opinion of a health professional. Any reader should contact a licensed medical professional regarding their own condition.

5 Effects of Good Nutrition

The effects of good nutrition on the body are as visible as the effects of bad nutrition on the body. The difference is that bad nutrition can destroy the body, while good nutrition only supports and builds up the body. Hence, the better goal in life is to maintain a lifestyle that promotes good nutrition. This will cause many positive effects, including the following 5 effects of good nutrition.
5 Effects of Good Nutrition:
1. Maintain normal body function
This includes better learning, proper balance and pH in the body tissues, to stabilize and regulate body systems like blood pressure, rebuild tissues, and maintain proper blood sugar levels
2. Maintain healthy weight
This includes proper blood pressures, less likely to allow diseases like Diabetes, heart malfunctions
3. Prevent disease
This includes prevention of cancer, tissue disease, parasitical invasions, bacterial infections
4. Pass along good start to future generations
Healthy babies, immune system, healthy pregnancy
5. Provide stress relief
Reduce side effects of drugs, boost immune system, maintain calm and coping abilities
If you can enjoy these 5 effects of good nutrition, you will be well on your way to a better, healthier body that is able to function properly.
One key to getting good nutrition regularly is to avoid excess. Balance food intake between the major groups, and eat appropriate amounts. You need a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients. A multi vitamin may be helpful if you are not sure about your food intake but it is not a substitute for eating properly. Water is essential to body functioning, moving nutrients into cells, and handling waste disposal.
You can obtain and follow the standard daily food pyramid and recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) put out by the government. It is adjusted according to age because dietary needs change as a person ages.
This pyramid is composed of nutritional groups of: calories, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and includes lists of antioxidants and herbs that are beneficial to health.
Besides age, the body's nutritional needs change with use of drugs, or disorders and diseases that affect the body's ability to meet those needs, or interfere with absorption or intake of food nutrients.
There are more than the above 5 effects of good nutrition, but these go a long way to getting you started in a healthy lifestyle if you pay attention. By the way, if you cant pay attention, you may need better nutrition! Avoid excess sweets and highly refined food, because they can cause bacterial excesses that can even have a lethal result if left unchecked (Candida). By providing the proper fuel (food) to your body, you enable it to function at its optimum capacity, keeping you healthy, happy, and fit for years and years, with benefits extending even unto the next generation.
Candis Reade is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about 5 Effects of Good Nutrition [http://newhealthandfitnesstoday.info/?p=156&preview=true], please visit New Health and Fitness Today [http://newhealthandfitnesstoday.info] for current articles and discussions.

Sport Nutrition Supplements for Endurance Athletes

Sports have always been something people did not only for entertainment but also for keeping fit. Sports have been around since the time of the ancient Greeks who have tallied some of the most impressive sports records of all time. It is no surprise therefore that the concept of sports nutrition was also something they started, if the diet regimen of Milo of Croton is any basis: 9 kilograms of meat, 9 kilograms of bread and 8.5 liters of wine a day. No bigger surprise still is his record for winning five successive Olympic Games in the wrestling division, from 532-516 B.C.
Sports nutrition is the study and practice of nutrition as it relates to athletic performance. The facts are based mostly on the quantity and quality of food and liquid taken by an athlete, as well as the nutrients and vitamins contained in each one. It also deals with supplements and organic substances like carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Sports nutrition, however, mostly concentrates on strength sports like weightlifting and bodybuilding and endurance sports like cycling, running and swimming.
These days, it is no longer like the gladiator-type meal like Milo of Croton used to eat, but more like a coming together of proper exercise and diet which not only aims to make the body healthy, but also to make it more immune to chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, cancers, strokes and back injuries. Today, it focuses more on how people can have the stamina, energy and endurance to exercise more through the type of food they eat and the amount of nutrients their body absorbs. It is about stressing the importance of proper nutrition so that athletes can perform at their best and will be able to achieve their goals faster.
First-timers in strength sports or endurance sports often are in a quandary about how to maximize their workouts and getting the results they want. Some think eating less is best while some go for more protein and carbs thinking it'll help them bulk up faster. Whether you're a competitive athlete or just trying to maintain your ideal weight, the correct eating strategy along with the right dietary supplements will enhance your training, athletic performance and most of all, your overall health.
The most important thing needed in any exercise regimen or workout is of course, high quality energy to the working muscles. Glycogen, which is a form of carbohydrates, is the nutrient that fuels exercises that are between high to moderate intensity. Endurance athletes usually consume about 30-60 grams or 100-250 calories of carbohydrates per hour while exercising. The body's fat stores also help in fueling exercises but only for those in the low-intensity levels. Lastly, protein kicks in to maintain and repair body tissues which happen more than usual after intense workouts. Glycogen gets used up quickly, which is what accounts for the feeling of weakness and fatigue one feels after exercising or working out. This is the reason why seasoned bodybuilders use BCAAs or supplements that contain branch chain amino acids like leucine, isoleucine and valine that support muscle maintenance and growth. These supplements also contain energy-releasing succinates and B-Complex vitamins for recovery following exercise.
In addition, endurance athletes also need to choose supplements that contain caffeine for alertness and improved endurance and creatine for those who do repeated bouts of high-intensity exercises. Supplements are meant to make up for nutritional deficiency that sometimes happens when athletes follow a certain diet regimen but they are by no means meant to replace a complete meal.
Sports nutrition is not only being limited to supplements and what they can do, it's also knowing how to complement taking them with safe and healthy habits. Check out http://www.nutritionwarehouse.com.au for more information on what supplements are best for you and your training needs.

The Importance of Food Nutrition

What should you eat, or not eat, to promote good health? Lots of people struggle with this choice every day. Nutritional advice for decades has given us the answer to these questions, telling us what foods we should eat, and what foods we should avoid. And in actuality, although many Americans are obese, they are actually also undernourished.
The following helpful facts were reviewed by the American Dietetic Association.
We need to begin to educate ourselves and our children in food nutrition - we need to choose foods rich in nutrients, and those that provide solid nutrition with the least amount of calories. By doing this, we can set up healthier diets and begin a journey toward wellness and health.
Eating foods that are rich in nutrients emphasizes the ability to choose foods based on the value of the nutrients, including minerals and vitamins, rather than choosing foods based on what they don't have, like salt, sugar and fat. This can offer you a foundation to help you build healthier habits and to more adequately meet your needs, nutrition-wise, over the course of your lifetime. Being able to choose the right foods can help you thing about enjoying eating again, because what you're eating will be helping your health. Since foods that are good for food nutrition represent the standard food groups and are easy to find, they can help you in building a stress-free, healthier diet.
Choose foods first from these important types that provide good nutrition:
Whole-grain foods that are fiber rich
Lean meats, nuts, beans, eggs, fish and poultry
Low-fat or fat-free yogurt, cheese and milk
Bright colored fruits and vegetables
100 % fruit juice
Here are some other tips from the American Dietetic Association, to help you eat with your sight on good food nutrition:
Enjoy a tropical dessert by blending pineapple juice, ice, low-fat milk and mango. You can also stir in a bit of chocolate syrup into yogurt of a coffee flavor, and freeze it.
Serving healthy means using methods that give you lots of foods rich in nutrients. This includes broth-based, hearty soup that is full of lean meat, beans and colorful vegetables.
Make your oatmeal more creamy by adding fat-free milk in lieu of water - you can also mix in blueberries, cherries, cranberries and raisins to add flavor without many calories.
Cut and bag your vegetables to increase the amount of nutrients for your whole family. Eat veggies like yellow, green or red peppers, radishes, snap peas, cucumbers, celery sticks, carrots, cauliflower flowerets and broccoli. Keep fresh vegetables at hand so they're ready to eat for snacks.
Find tips about insomnia facts and cholesterol facts [http://www.health-n-nutrition.org/health/cholesterol_facts/cholesterol_facts.html] at the Health And Nutrition [http://www.health-n-nutrition.org] website.

How To Build Muscle And Get Ripped-Nutrition And Fitness Tips

If you have always thought that getting a perfectly-toned and ripped body is all about using muscle building drugs, it is time that you get your facts right. There is nothing better and proven that vigorous workouts that are complemented with the right diet and the right technique.
One of the first things that anyone should know about bodybuilding is that NATURAL GAINS ARE THE BEST GAINS. Moreover, using banned performance enhancing drugs can put you at an increased risk of health complications such as high blood pressure, gynecomastia, and liver/kidney damage. If you want to improve results from your muscle-building endeavors, these nutrition and fitness tips would surely help you redefine physique in limitless ways.
1. It is a proven fact that the human body needs the right set of vitamins and minerals in daily diet. Bodybuilders are no exceptions. If you want to build muscle, grow them naturally and complement with the right calorie intake.
2. If you are new to bodybuilding, it is important for you to understand the importance of free weights like barbells and dumbbells. Make sure that you perform basic movements like the barbell bench press, the squat, the military shoulder press, and the deadlifts before you take things to the next level. Fancy machines can wait for beginners.
3. You will end up doing more damage than good if you walk straight into the gym and do whatever comes before you. Seek the assistance of an advanced bodybuilder or personal trainer to get a routine chart for building muscles and staying in the best shape. Moreover, you should always select a well-equipped gym that has professional and experienced trainer. The gym should have a wide range of equipments and free weights and it must follow all safety standards.
4. If your goal is to bulk up, make sure that you take digestive enzymes that contain lipase, protease, and amylase so that fat, protein, and starch can be broken down.
5. To allow muscles to grow, it is important for you to ensure that your body gets the right amount of proteins. Generally, professional bodybuilders consume a minimum of 1-2 grams of protein per pound of weight (e.g.: 190-lb bodybuilders will be eating between 190-360lbs grams of protein per day).
6. Last but not the least, you are wasting your money and time on bodybuilding workouts if you are not getting adequate sleep. Remember, your body grows the maximum during sleep. Therefore, you should always make sure that you get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. If you are not getting enough sleep and rest, it means your growth, energy levels, recovery, and hormone levels are getting bad hits.
Follow these tips on bodybuilding workouts and see the difference by yourself.
James McGlynn has been an active participant online for promoting awareness about health and dietary supplements. He has written extensively on bodybuilding workouts, supplements for muscle building, and how to train safe. To read his articles, visit http://www.healthandsuppliments.com/

Nutrition Understood With a Musical Metaphor, Namely, a Symphony

A REAL wellness lifestyle has many dimensions, none more important than critical thinking, exuberance, athleticism and liberty. These make up the REAL in REAL wellness. "R" (reason) stands for evidence and respect for science, "E" (exuberance) represents a commitment to do all that is possible in order to enjoy life as much as possible, "A" (athleticism) signals a vigorous exercise regimen and well informed, evidence-based nutritional practices and "L" (liberty) embodies a commitment to personal freedoms. They add up to a REAL wellness lifestyle balanced in a range of life skills and disciplines, not just excellence in any single element.
The Importance of Nutrition
How consequential, in a quantitative or precise sense, is good nutrition for health? Well, how can an answer to such a question be expressed? Sure, we can affirm that good nutrition is "very consequential," but that's not precise or mathematical. The question is not just impossible to quantify; more important, it would not be useful if such a formula were possible. To attempt such a thing would be the same as inquiring, "How consequential is love?" Or education or clean air or opportunity or exercise? These and other human "nutrients" are not amenable to quantification. More telling, such measures might not be helpful in any event. If someone worked out a formula for each of these and other key elements of human existence, what value would there be from such scores? Each quality noted must be associated and balanced with, added to all the rest. They all interact. The quality of our lives is affected by the interplay of these and so many other vital aspects of existence. We need all and more to grow and evolve into our best selves, to get the most from the wonder of the world in which we live out our lives.
So it is with understanding good nutrition. All the elements that fall under the subject must be understood in wholistic ways, as an orchestra of sorts, every nutrient playing a part, contributing to a symphony that is immeasurably richer and more beautiful than the best of the individual parts.
Which is why good nutrition should be studied, assessed and most important, experienced as part of REAL wellness. You could eat the best foods on the planet three times a day in the proper proportion but if you lack other aspects essential to living well-exercise, education, clean air, opportunity and yes, love, how well off can you be?
In summary, nutrition is best approached with a recognition that one nutrient affects another. All work best in the human body when the right ingredients are introduced on a regular basis. The metaphor is the orchestra performing a symphony. Just as the musical integration of parts can render a triumphant Beethoven Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major, so can the right diet (e.g., whole foods plant-based) contribute so much to human well-being.
Be well, look on the bright side, eat plants and let your diet enhance your quality of life.

Quinoa Nutrition - Myth or Reality?

Are the Bolivians Poking fun at us?
Just how much nutrition does quinoa have? Could it be really as effective as precisely what the nutritionists claim or just an inspired marketing ploy?
To any new entrant to the quinoa world, the entire euphoria around the miracle grain does come across like a big conspiracy theory driven by the numerous quinoa marketers in North America.
And I don't blame them. Nearly every seed of quinoa bought in Usa originates from countries like Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. The majority of us could be challenged if we have to properly locate the countries on the map (besides that they are in South America) and would hardly be able to write a few sentences on each before looking at Wikipedia.
So when a couple of marketers start selling a nearly magical grain from Latin America and the whole diet world starts cheering, people get suspicious.
It won't help that quinoa prices have more than tripled within the last 5 years. Marketers claim that the rise is born to a total explosion in demand. However, I suspect that margins would be fat, to the point of being obese.
That brings us back to the original question. Whether or not the marketers are earning plenty of money at the cost of the well-being of ordinary Bolivians (more about that in a later post), just how much nutrition does quinoa really pack?
And, most importantly, is it more beneficial than other grains like rice?
According to the US Department of Agriculture's Nutrient Data Laboratory (chek out reports in the bottom of the post), a single serving (185g) of cooked quinoa delivers 8.14g of protein. As compared, the so-called protein rich chicken egg of medium size (44g) delivers only 5.53g of protein.
Regarding the energy side, the same cup of quinoa delivers 222cal. The best thing is that most of this energy is delivered by proteins. The cup of quinoa only carries 3.55g of fat and 39.4g of carbs. This compares very favorably with rice. Just one cup of pilaf rice (68g) carries 58g of carbs and 0.93g of fat,
The previously mentioned egg has 4.18g of fat.
Look closer and it is the kind of fat where quinoa makes a real difference. The cup of quinoa just has 0.43g of unhealthy fat and zero cholesterol.
The egg actually compares very unfavorably with both of the cereals - one medium egg has 1.375g of saturated fat and 164mg of cholesterol.
But where quinoa actually crushes it is in the volume of soluble fiber it carries. Precisely the same cup of quinoa brings 5.2g of fiber content. The pilaf rice has only a gram of fiber.
Fiber helps in avoiding heart disease by lessening hypertension and diabetes. Fiber lowers cholesterol and glucose levels and likewise assists in weight reduction. Fiber rich food make you feel fuller longer and therefore are less "energy dense," carrying fewer calories for the same quantity of food.
An additional glance at the NDL-USDA report reveals that quinoa carries a great deal of essential minerals like Iron, Calcium, Magnesium and Manganese.
Iron assists in keeping red blood cells happy and is the foundation of hemoglobin formation. Iron also increases thinking processes as the brain consumes about 20% of our own blood oxygen. Iron also aids in neurotransmitter synthesis, regulation of body's temperature, enzyme activity as well as energy metabolism.
A cup of quinoa carries 2.76mg of Iron in comparison to 1.66mg in the cup of pilaf rice. Quinoa also scores high on Calcium, delivering 31mg per cup when compared to only 8mg per cup for the pilaf rice.
Quinoa is likewise abundant with Magnesium. The mineral allows you relax blood vessels and helps to cure migraines. Additionally, it can reduce Type2 diabetes by promoting healthy blood sugar control. Other health advantages include better transmission of nerve impulses, body's temperature regulation, detoxification, energy production, and also the formation of healthy bones and teeth.
US Department of Agriculture - Nutrient Data Laboratory - Nutrient data for 20137, Quinoa, cooked
US Department of Agriculture - Nutrient Data Laboratory - Nutrient data for 32002, Rice, rice pilaf flavor, unprepared
US Department of Agriculture - Nutrient Data Laboratory - Nutrient data for 01123, Egg, whole, raw, fresh
For an in depth look at quinoa, visit my extensive resource at http://myquinoanutrition.com

Importance of the Nutrition Health Wellness Triangle in Our Life

Regarding nutrition health wellness, unlike what most people think, life is not a matter of living and dying; it is not measured by absolute life and death. Rather, it is being measured by a spectrum of health - a spectrum of health where one side of the extreme is death and the other is that of a healthy well-being, not just of being alive. So, taking that spectrum of nutrition health wellness as a basis, we may say that the healthier one is, the farther he is from death. In this matter, the passage of time is automatically included since one's heath would usually begin to deteriorate at a certain point in his age.
But even if the deterioration of health is inevitable as time as passes by (at least practically, but not theoretically), we can still do something with personal health nutrition wellness lifestyles and habits to slow down the deterioration of health in a number of ways - or rather in many ways that has to be integrated. Some of these nutrition health wellness improvement ways include proper physical activity, a healthy psychological disposition, and a carefully planned nutrition, with the last one being the focus of below.
Why the proper food is vital for health nutrition wellness and longevity? Our body is being fed and maintained by using different chemicals, primarily with oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon, along with some other elements needed like calcium, iron, zinc, etc. All of these can only be taken from eating and drinking, or in other words, through nutrition, with the exception of oxygen which can be taken in by breathing. These chemicals are what promotes and helps both our mind and body function, so we could say that nutrition is the foundation and the corner of the health nutrition wellness triangle. This is because without proper nutrition, the body cannot have any form of energy needed to utilize its movements, thus hindering the possibility of having a proper physical exercise or wellness activity, thus decreasing health.
On the psychological part, a person without the proper nutrition needed by the mind wouldn't be capable of higher psychological processes, so the necessity of having a healthy psychological disposition also becomes far from achievement. But, it is important to take note in terms of one's own nutrition health wellness that scientists are also accepting the idea that the mind, particularly the consciousness of a person, is capable of over-riding its own design. While this may be true, the contribution of the proper food intake toward raising our own nutrition health wellness triangle is undeniable.
Zoe Merwin is a healthy lifestyle enthusiast, authored more than a hundred health improvement tips, advices and contributed with her knowledge to the fat belly fat resource to reveal various options and possibilities for loosing belly fat, also has written many tips on how one can boost their own nutrition health wellness.

How Healthy is Popcorn? - Nutrition Facts For the Healthy Snack

Healthy eaters in the U.S. continually turn to popcorn as a healthy replacement for the salty snacks that usually break a diet. Instead of snacks like potato chips, nuts or pretzels that may be high in calories, salt or fat content, popcorn provides the bite-sized mouth-popping ease of other snacks while also providing vitamins, minerals and fiber but not much fat! Here are some facts about the snack and the best way to eat it to get the most nutritive value.

Nutrition Facts for Popcorn

* Popcorn contains more than 40 different nutrients.
* It has more iron than eggs, peanuts or spinach.
* You can find B complex vitamins, vitamin E, Riboflavin and Thiamine in popcorn kernels.
* Popcorn has the most protein of any cereal grain.
* In the hull of the kernel, you'll find iron, phosphorous and protein.
* Popcorn has more fiber than potato chips or pretzels.

Additionally, popcorn is the recommended snack of many health and research organizations in the US. The American Dental Association recommends it as a good sugar free and fat free snack for kids. The National Cancer Institute, noting that fiber in your diet helps protect you from cancer, recommends popcorn as a great way to add fiber to your diet. The American Diabetes Association allows popcorn as a starchy snack on weight-control diets. The Feingold Diet for hyperactive children allows popcorn as a snack as well since it can be prepared with no additives or sugars.

The Best Way to Eat Popcorn

The best preparation for popcorn if you want it to be a healthy, low-cal snack is to air-pop it. Adding butter, salt or other toppings can lessen the nutritional impact of eating popcorn as a snack. 1 cup of air-popped popcorn has about 30 calories, 1 gram of dietary fiber and 1 gram of protein per serving. It has no no saturated fat, trans fats or cholesterol. You'll also find manganese, folate, niacin, vitamin A, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and selenium in popcorn.

Whether you are dieting, trying to get your kids to eat healthy snacks or simply attempting to eat more healthily yourself, replacing fatty junk foods with freshly popped popcorn is an easy exchange. Eating popcorn to quell your snack cravings is a health-conscious choice that will help you control your weight and provide nutrition instead of just satisfying your snacking urges!

"NUTS ON CLARK" is a Chicago popcorn company that specializes in gourmet flavored snacks.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hayley_Wells

Nutrition Articles and Books: What Should You Believe?

Nutrition Articles are a dime a dozen. Type any nutrition-related keyword into a major search engine and you're bound to find tens of thousands of search results
With all of that information out there, it's easy to get overwhelmed.
Which nutrition articles are worth reading? What books can help you reach your goals?
Here are some tips to help you sort through all of the information out there and make progress toward helping your family live happier and healthier lives:
==>Figure out what you want.
Sounds too simple, but it's so important. Make sure that you have a good sense as to what are appropriate and realistic goals for your children before you start to collect information.
==>Talk with your child's doctor
Run your goals past your child's doctor and talk with them about the information that you've found. Often physicians have or can point you toward good, evidence-based information that is safe and effective.
==>Look at who's writing the information
A lot of the information on the Internet about nutrition is not written by health care professionals. They are typically one person's experience with a certain product and will not have any scientific evidence to back up claims. Government-run public health sites tend to have better information written by professionals, although you usually can't find all of the answers that you're looking for in one place.
Michael P. Scaccia, MD, FAAP is a physician, child health expert, and author of "The Ultimate Parent Guide to Fitness and Nutrition". From nutrition to fitness and beyond, this powerful, step-by-step guide is a must-have for concerned parents of overweight children. For more information, visit ==> [http://www.UltimateParentGuide.com]

Brain Cancer Nutrition Therapy

Medical doctors have established the fact that brain cancer nutrition therapy is beneficial for those that suffer from mild to severe cases of brain cancer. Cancer is an illness that has the capability of depleting the body of essential vitamin, minerals, and other types of nutrients. When an individual undergoes brain cancer treatment, even more of those important nutrients are wiped out in the body.
Not only this, but the cancer patient often experiences issues when it comes to having an appetite. Individuals that have brain cancer are already quite vulnerable, but when poor nutrition is added to the mix, it could wreck devastation upon the health of the patient. In this guide, you will discover a new form of brain cancer therapy that focuses on nutrition.
Assessing Nutritional Needs
If you want to engage in a brain cancer nutrition therapy treatment plan, it is important to have your nutritional needs evaluated by a medical professional. There are many tests that may be performed so that the medical doctor may get a good snapshot of what nutritional needs you require.
One of the most common is the test that evaluates your blood. This test will validate whether or not your base figures are either low or high when it comes to protein and other nutrients in the blood. In addition to this, the medical professional will likely inquire about the health history that you have had. It is also common for them to ask questions about the way that you eat, immediately followed by an examination pertaining to your body mass index.

The Nutrition Therapy Plan
Once your doctor establishes your nutritional needs, they will determine which type of diet will work best for you. You will be encouraged to consume only those foods with provide you with the optimal health benefits. If you have brain cancer, this is typically always individualized for you.
In addition to encouraging you to consume only those foods that are positive to your overall health, the nutrition therapy plan will also include exercises that you will be safe performing during the course of your disease and the treatment of your disease. You may also be encouraged to take nutritional supplements. There are many supplements that have been found to benefit brain cancer patients in one way or another. These include Selenium, Vitamin E, and Beta Carotene.
If you are going to indulge in brain cancer nutrition therapy, it is important to know and understand that this is not just about changing your lifestyle; it is about modifying your behavior so that you may optimize your health. It is important to have a good support system in place.
This could be relatives, friends, neighbors, a community support group, clergy members, and even medical doctors. If you have a good support team in place, succeeding in brain cancer nutrition therapy will likely be both positive and productive for your health - both inside and outside.
About the Author: Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia.
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What Jobs Are Available With a Nutrition Degree?

In today's diet, calorie, and weight loss focused world, a nutrition degree is one of the most useful and lucrative degrees you can possibly possess. With an associate, bachelor, or master's degree from an accredited university, either online or in person, you can open up a whole new world of career possibilities for yourself. This article will detail some of the most popular career options for nutrition degree holders.
A great deal of nutrition program graduates will go on to become clinical dietitians. These professionals may work in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and many other settings. Their job is to meet the nutritional needs of everyone who will be eating regular meals at the facility.
In some cases, clinical dietitians may also work with doctors or other professionals in order to meet the health and nutrition needs of an individual patient or a specific group of people or patients. A dietitian might, for example, provide special meals for diabetic, overweight, or vegetarian patients or any others who have to follow special diets for health reasons. In most cases, a clinical dietitian will also be responsible for the general management of the food or dietary service department.
Other nutrition degree holders may go on to become consultant dietitians. These professionals may be either contract employees, usually to a hospital or a healthcare facility, or they may own their own businesses or practices. They may work as eating disorder specialists or as weight loss consultants.
Additionally, they may also provide health services and meal planning to those with special health and wellness needs, such as high cholesterol patients or those with heart trouble. In some cases, these nutritionists may work with a wide variety of different companies, often setting their own hours and guidelines.
You can find consultant dietitians employed at restaurants, supermarkets, gyms, sports teams, country clubs, and just about anywhere else you can imagine that is focused on food and health. Some consultant dietitians even work as overseers of restaurants or large chain corporations. In most cases, these are the nutrition program graduates who make the most money.
No matter what you decide to do with your own nutrition degree, you should be sure that you research all of your career options, preferably before settling on an exact major and concentration. The specialization you choose if any, during school can play a big part in what jobs you will be eligible for and how hire-able you are.
If you are unsure of exactly which area of nutrition you want to pursue, getting a general degree and then going back to school to supplement it with a certificate can be helpful. It is also important to note that nutrition is becoming a very competitive field, so students should work hard to earn top grades and should also take experiential learning programs or internships whenever possible. Doing so will give program graduates an even better chance at securing the job they've always dreamed of.
Nutrition degrees are great, but there are a plethora of other degrees out there that you can acquire through online schooling. Searching through therapist schools is a good idea to get an idea of all of the different kinds of degrees that are available.