5 Fast Healthcare Careers

Healthcare is one of the best career fields for a number of reasons. A career in healthcare is rewarding both personally and financially, and almost invariably offers great job security. Contrary to popular belief, not every career in healthcare requires a huge amount of advanced education - although, most healthcare careers do require specialized training. These are some of the best healthcare careers that do not require doctorate training.
Dental Hygienist
Most people visit the dentist twice per year, and many go to the dentist's office even more often. Most of these visits necessitate the services of a dental hygienist. Unlike the position of dentist, becoming a dental hygienist does not require a doctorate degree, in the case of a dental hygienist the usual requirement is an associate's degree in dental hygiene. This position is also high-paying, with a median salary of $69,280 a year. This career also offers great room for advancement, with the pursuit of higher education degrees and even higher paying careers becoming increasingly common amongst experienced dental hygienists.
Physical Therapist Assistant
Physical therapists are always in high demand, but that position requires both a master's degree as well as a license. However, the position of physical therapist assistant is also in high demand, and training is available through an associate's degree. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for physical therapist assistant is rising more quickly than it is for other health care careers, including the demand for physical therapists. This is a rewarding career that involves playing a role in helping patients regain mobility.
Veterinary Technician
Animal lovers often seek a career in the veterinary field, and veterinary technicians are always in high demand. Becoming a veterinary technician involves a two year associate's degree in the field, as well passing an exam. Veterinary technicians play a hugely crucial role in veterinary offices, including nursing and surgery assistance. In addition to an associate's degree, a passion for helping animals is also a requirement to become a veterinary technician.
Medical Transcriptionist
The position of medical transcriptionist is not relegated to any specific medical field or category. Medical transcriptionists are needed in an extensive array of facilities, from hospitals to general practitioner's offices to urgent care offices to a range of other facilities. The service that medical transcriptionists deliver is invaluable to keeping these facilities running and providing crucial medical care. Medical transcriptionist traininginvolves leaning the range of terminology and methodology involved with the job. Although there are no official requirements for this position, good medical transcriptionist training is a common requirement for employers.
Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy technicians help pharmacists perform their duties of dispensing medications and interacting with customers. Pharmacy technicians also assist in the administrative duties of a pharmacy. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a sharp increase in the demand for pharmacy technicians over the next decade. Although there are not always secondary education prerequisites to become a pharmacy technician, pharmacy technician training puts you in a prime position to be hired for the best pharmacy technician jobs.
Visit Thompson Career College for more information on a healthcare career.

Is the FDA Protecting You?

In 2008, the United State Food and Drug Administration (FDA) accused the Regenerative Science (Regenexx) of Colorado of practicing medicine without a license required for the introduction of a new drug. The organization was using people's own stem cells (known as autologous) for orthopedic purposes, and the FDA was in effect claiming that our own stem cells are a drug.
In 2010 the FDA sued to stop Regenerative Sciences from performing these procedures and in a district court ruling in Washington D.C. last year the FDA's ruling was upheld. The case is now being appealed.
Last year the FDA closed the labs of Celltex Therapeutics in Texas for treating patients the same way. Celltex is the company that famously treated governor Rick Perry of Texas for his back problems.
In both cases the FDA cited that the stem cells (SCs), once removed from the person's body, were "more than minimally manipulated". There are so many issues here that a simple article will not cover them, but let me focus on several of the main ones:
  1. Does a person have the right to have their own SCs re-injected back into their own body without the FDA getting involved?
  2. Does the FDA have the right to classify SCs as drugs?
  3. Can the FDA continue to "move the goalposts" in determining what constitutes what "more than minimally manipulated" means and how it is defined?
  4. And perhaps most importantly, when there is no other alternative other than degeneration and degradation of a quality of life, doesn't a person get to choose what they do with their own body?
People who have had Stem Cell Treatments
There are at least several tens of thousands of people who have had this type of treatment around the world, including in the US, and many of them have had significant symptomatic relief. A woman by the name of SammyJo Wilkinson is a perfect example of someone here in the US who was treated by Celltex.
There are also many stories, admittedly anecdotal, that come out of other countries where regulations have been different than those in the US. One country where some tens of thousands of patients have been treated is China, the target of much criticism by the stem cell establishment. Whereas some of this criticism is justified, there are also many stories of people who have had their quality of life improved in varying degrees. You can see and hear for yourself patients who tell their stories of spinal cord injuries with umbilical derived adult SCs (allogeneic) and other stories at the Stemcell China website, as well as on many YouTube videos that are available on the internet.
What is missing here is the ability for the powers that be here in the US to be objective and open-minded, and to other possibilities of treatment protocols; to be open to going to see these patients and hospitals and getting first hand information before passing judgments. I have been in China several times and it was a huge eye-opener.
It's the Proof that Matters
If there is no proof that these treatments, autologous and umbilical derived allogeneic stem cells are dangerous, shouldn't we have the right to treat our bodies in the way we want to?
Steve Marshank has been working as an entrepreneur in health care with a focus on the burgeoning stem cell industry for more than six years. A member of the Stem Cell Research Group, Advances in Stem Cell Discoveries Society, Regenerative Medicine Foundation and the Cell Therapy Industry Group, he has developed a wide-reaching network of relationships with companies, medical professionals, scientists and business leaders in the industry. You can read more about stem cells and this 21st century industry at http://www.stemcellsconsulting.com/

Natural Bug Repellents

As a devout camper and real nature lover I don't want to be constantly in fear of ticks or other bites which can transmit diseases like the West Nile virus. We all just want to enjoy late-summer and fall outdoor gatherings, camping, hiking, and hunting without biting bugs.
At the time when I was done with those annoying insects that ruined my every year's holidays I tried all kinds of methods how to get rid of bug bites. Since then I discovered a bunch of effective natural ways and a few storage bought repellents that really worked out for me and which at the end saved my vacations. If you're at your wits end with this nuisance pest, take a few minutes to read these tips for getting rid of bug bites.
Natural bug repellents:
Homemade bug repellents are very effective and can be made inexpensively and naturally at home. I have been using these self-made alternatives constantly for many years and I have tested them in lots of different countries. Below are the few natural repellents that I found worked best for me:
1) Essential oil
You will need 10 to 25 drops of essential oil, witch hazel and distilled or boiled water.
1) Fill a jar ½ full with distilled or boiled water
2) Add few drops of witch hazel oil
3) Add 10-25 drops of essential oil of your choice (the more oil you use the stronger the spray will be). I prefer rosemary oil, lavender oil, citronella, clove and peppermint oil. It works efficient and also smells good!
4) After that, you will need to add one tablespoon of aloe Vera and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Blend the ingredients and pour the mixture into an open glass.
5) Apply a few drops of the content to your pulse points to deter insects when outdoors. Reapply as needed.
This preparation is suitable for adults and it is advisable to be aware of the contra-indications for each essential oil. It worked very efficient for me against ticks, mosquitos and biting flies.
2) Fresh or dried herbs
Again you will need distilled or boiled water, witch hazel and herbs (lavender, citronella, clove, peppermint, lemon-grass)
1) Fill a jar with distilled or boiled water
2) Add 3-5 TBSP of fresh or dried herbs in any combination. I usually use lavender, citronella and some mint herb.
3) Stir the mixture well, cover it and let it cool
4) Add 5 TBSP of witch hazel oil
5) Remove the herbs and apply the mixture on your skin as needed.
It is working very efficient and it is also refreshing for your skin. It has a very delicious smell! It used to worked on ticks and mosquitoes for me.
3) Vinegar
The vinegar mixture is a super strong and effective bug repellent. It works incredibly well though, and this is the one I use when I'm going to be camping in the woods or in tick infested areas.
You will need apple cider vinegar, 5 TBSP each of rosemary, lavender, thyme and mint and a glass jar with airtight lid.
1) Put the vinegar and the dried herbs in a glass jar with airtight lid
2) Mix or shake the mixture every day for at least 2-weeks
3) Remove the herbs and store the mixture preferably in fridge
4) Before using it dilute it by half with water
5) Use it only if you need radical bug control.
Warning: This mixture has a strong smell when it is wet but it is making wonders. After being applied it loses the strong odor. It worked out for me on any insects!
Store bought repellents
If you don't have the proper resources for homemade repellents or if you prefer to buy bug repellent in the store, then you should make sure that you get one of the most effective ones. Below are my favorite repellents that I tried on different camping trips around the world:
3M Ultrathon
This type of repellent is recommended by many experts. It is especially good for repelling insects in very wet and wooded areas. It is also very effective for long-term use and has been shown to repel insects for up to 12 hours. One of the reasons that 3M Ultrathon Insect Repellent is so effective is because it contains DEET. DEET is a type of yellow oil that is found in most of the store-brought bug repellents. Some people claim that the asset is dangerous and that it would cause skin damages and rashes. Since I am not an expert in this field I just want to share my experience with this product. Ultrathon was working very good in wet and moist conditions in Indonesia and Taiwan. It didn't smell so bad as other products and I just apply it twice a day( in the morning and before going to bet). I haven't got bitten once!
Bite Blocker Organic Extreme
As an good alternative to 3M Ultrathon which don't contains DEET I was totally impressed of Bite Blocker Extreme. I was using it during my camping holidays and I didn't get any mosquito or tick bites (mostly in the woods and by the sea). This repellent is not only very effective, but it is safe because it only contains plant-based ingredients. It can repel insects for up to 3.5 hours. You will have to reapply the spray frequently. To my taste it smells a little bit.
How to Apply Insect Repellent:
Insect repellent is any type of substance that is designed to repel insects. All you have to do is apply it directly to the exposed skin and clothing. Avoid putting any repellent on cuts or skin abrasions. You should make sure that you wash the skin as soon as you come back indoors. All the same, if you haven't already used essential oil products on your skin, do a skin patch test before using and it is recommended to talk to your health care professional before using it as a bug repellent.
Safety Concerns!
Pregnant women can use repellent because there has been no evidence to suggest that it can harm the mother or baby. The safest types of repellent for pregnant women to use are the natural ones and the repellents that contain DEET. Children can use insect repellent, but parents should avoid putting it on a child's hands because children often put their hands in their mouth. The repellent should also not be used around the mouth or the hands.
If you want to know more about my experienced ways and tips to get rid of bug bites visit check my blog: http://howtogetridofbugbites.com

High School Wrestling: Diet and Nutrition Tips

I knew very little about nutrition or weight loss when I began my high school wrestling career. I didn't know about the importance of proper nutrition and proper hydration. I had no idea about the number of calories in certain foods. I didn't know a deep fried fish square on a bun had more calories than a hamburger because I thought that fish was healthy. I had no clue about the different roles that the various nutrients played in one's body.
Wrestling is a sport that involves competitors being in different weight classes. Therefore, some wrestlers find it beneficial to diet thinking they will have a competitive advantage in a lower weight class. This is not always the case but this notion seems to persist. Regardless of whether or not a wrestler decides to cut weight or not he should still practice proper nutrition to ensure that he performs at top level.
A few simple things to keep in mind:
  • One pound is equal to approximately 3,500 calories
  • If you consume 500 fewer calories per day then you will lose one pound per week (500 calories per day x 7 days = 3,500 calories per week equating to one pound)
  • One gram of carbohydrate has four calories
  • One gram of protein has four calories
  • One gram of fat has nine calories
  • Your body's preferred source of fuel is carbohydrates like bread, cereals, rice, potatoes, and pasta
  • Adequate fiber can help you feel full when dieting
  • Remember to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
A simple formula regarding weight loss, weight gain, and weight maintenance:
  • Take your body weight times 10 to find the number of calories to eat per day to lose weight (e.g. a wrestler weighing 150 lbs. would need to consume 1,500 calories per day to lose weight)
  • Take your body weight times 15 to find the number of calories to maintain your weight (e.g. if a wrestler cuts down to 120 lbs. he could then eat approximately 1,800 calories per day and still maintain that weight)
  • If you want to gain weight then take your body weight times 20 to find the number of calories needed each day to gain weight
As you can see, fat contains more than twice the number of calories per gram than carbohydrate or protein. So, if you want to lose weight then cutting down on fats will help. Fat is not all bad. Fat helps in the production of hormones like testosterone and does many other good things in the body so do not eliminate it entirely. 
When I wrestled in high school, I ate a lot of fruit, potatoes, plain unsweetened oatmeal, plain unbuttered bread and toast, vegetables, milk, yogurt, and lean meat.
Your body's muscles need adequate glycogen for energy. Your brain's primary source of fuel is glucose. In other words, you need to consume adequate carbohydrates to have energy and to be mentally focused.
When I was cutting weight in high school I would become very weak and had trouble concentrating. I now know this is because I had no glycogen and no glucose, which my body was in vital need of.
Keep in mind that your pre competition meal should be light and carbohydrate based as well.
Low calorie diets can lead to muscle loss. You cannot be as strong and powerful if you are losing muscle mass. Some researchers also believe that very low calorie diets can cause one's metabolism to drop because the body senses a famine situation and goes into starvation mode. Therefore, if you choose to lose weight to be more competitive do not go on a drastic low calorie diet.
Whether you diet or not, be sure to get these six key nutrients: 
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fat
  • Protein
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Water
If you eat a wide variety of food, you should be able to meet your nutritional requirements. Educate yourself about proper nutrition. Read books and articles. Consider buying a food scale and a calorie-counting book if you decide to lose weight.
Do not neglect the importance of nutrition in addition to proper technique and good conditioning in your quest to be a successful wrestler.
If you would like more information about wrestling and nutrition please visit http://wrestlingforglory.blogspot.com.